Comprehensive Plan Update 2020




Comprehensive Plan Update (Adopted August 16, 2021)

Appendicies Only


Hello and welcome to our page regarding the Town of Canandaigua's Update to the Comprehensive Plan. Our Comprehensive Plan is essentially the guiding document to Canandaigua's Town Government. 

Per New York State Town Law, all Town Land Use regulations and all Capital Projects shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. As such, it is necessary to update the plan from time to time to ensure that our Town Code, planning documents, fiscal planning documents, and capital projects accurately reflects the needs of the community and to ensure that our resources are being placed in the most effective use.

During the process of updating the Comprehensive Plan, the importance of input and engagement of our Citizens and Stakeholders cannot be understated. Without that participation, we cannot be sure that the goals accurately represent the Town of Canandaigua. There will be tremendous efforts placed on cultivating those opinions and visions into Goals to achieve in the coming decade.

Public Engagement Plan

During the month of August, the Town held 5 community meetings at various locations and times in an effort to gather input from as many residents and stakeholders as possible. Notes from those community meetings are below.

Community Meeting Notes

From July until November, the Town opened a survey to the public to gather more input to guide the creation of an updated plan. We had an excellent response with 333 complete responses. The full report of responses is below.

Public Survey Report

After receiving the results of the Survey and reviewing a draft existing conditions report of the Town, the Project Team prepared a Draft Vision and Goals which support the attainment of that vision.




Previous Comprehensive Plans

2011 Comprehensive Plan Update

2003 Comprehensive Plan


Shawna Bonshak


585-394-1120 x2254


Doug Finch

Town Manager

585-394-1120 x2234


Michelle Rowlinson

Office Specialist

585-394-1120 x2230 


Sarah Reynolds

Administrative Coordinator

585-394-1120 x2232


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