Parks and Recreation Committee


Parks & Recreation Quick Links

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes

Committee Purpose

The committee serves the following purpose:

  • Advise the Town Board on parkland and recreation.
  • Advise the Parks Department in the need for park building repairs and/or construction, the creation of new recreational facilities and equipment, and make recommendations for capital budgets.
  • Monitor implementation of the adopted Town of Canandaigua Parks and Recreation Master Plan, including annual reporting thereon to the Town Board.
  • Prepare and submit an annual report, propose amendments to adopted park rules and regulations.

2025 Meeting Schedule

The Parks and Recreation Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of every other month at 6:00 pm except as noted below. All meetings will be held in-person in the Oriana Conference Room at Town Hall and also available via Zoom. 

  • January 22
  • March 26
  • May 28
  • July 23
  • September 24
  • December 10



Zoom details for all meetings: 

You may download and import this recurring event into your calendar system using this link

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 0922 1951
Passcode: 354017
One tap mobile:  +16465588656,,85209221951#,,,,*354017# US (New York)

Dial by your location:  646 558 8656 US (New York

Meeting Minutes

Committee Members

Mark MacNeil, Chairperson

Karen Parkhurst

Stephanie Kunes

Randy Groot

Dan Knapton

Debbie Gisleson

McKenna Eckdahl (Youth Member)

Lindsay Frarey, Staff Liaison

Email the Committee



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