Shared Services

Examples and Opportunities


City and Town Shared Services Exploratory Group

Shared Services Exploratory Report

The Town and City of Canandaigua have a long history of sharing resources and working closely together for the benefit of the community. 

In the Summer of 2017, the Mayor of the City of Canandaigua and the Town Supervisor launched a joint exploratory group to identify opportunities for shared resources and services between the two municipalities. The goal of the group was to identify areas of each government where working together would increase efficiency and reduce costs to taxpayers of both municipalities while maintaining the same or increasing the level of service provided to the residents and the communitiy at large.

In the fall of 2017, the group released an initial report that identified savings associated with existing services that are already shared between the municipalities and also calculated estimated savings for potential future shared services. A summary of savings* is below:

Existing shared services savings -- $ 12,470,000.00

Potential Short-term shared services savings -- $ 3,763,000.00

Potential Long-term Shared services savings -- $ 17,695,000.00

Total Potential Savings from Shared Services -- $ 33,928,00.00

*Note that all dollar amounts are estimated.

To view the report and the details of the opportunities for savings, see the link at the top of the page.  




Town of Canandaigua

Doug Finch, Town Manager

City of Canandaigua

John Goodwin, City Manager



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