Assessment Department


The Assessor will:

  • Set up an appointment to meet anyone who is not physically able to come to the Town Office to complete required forms.
  • Calculate the assessed value (or market value) of homes within the Town of Canandaigua
  • Provide the following publicly available information about a property upon request:
    • Owner's name(s)(current and previous)
    • Assessed value of home
    • Year Built
    • Last sale price
  • Review eligibility for and provide information about tax exemptions such as:


Check out this short video explaining property taxes and the role of the Assessor's Office. 



Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Mailing Address:
5440 Route 5 & 20 West
Canandaigua, NY 14424

Stop in with any questions.


Michelle Rowlinson


 (585) 394-1120 x2237

 (585) 394-9476
 Email Michelle Rowlinson

  Town Calendar

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