Parks Department


Canandaigua means The Chosen Spot for a reason!  Just visit any one of our eight parks in the Town of Canandaigua and you can see why they are a treasure in this community.  We work hard to maintain our parks and create programs through our Recreation Department to ensure that they will be enjoyed for generations to come. 


The Town's Parks Department is responsible for operating and maintaining the 182 acres of parkland, Town Hall, town-owned cemeteries, water towers, pump station and portions of Route 332.                                                     

Our parks offer cabins and pavilions of various sizes for rent, as well as a variety of playgrounds, trails and activity fields.

For assistance in making a reservation, call our office at 585-394-1120 ext 2227.


Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Mailing Address:
5440 Route 5 & 20 West
Canandaigua, NY 14424


Lindsay Frarey

Parks Coordinator

 (585) 337-4729
 (585) 394-1120 x2229

 Email Lindsay Frarey

Facility Rentals


 (585) 394-1120 x2227
 (585) 394-9476
 Email Facility Rentals

  Town Calendar

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