How Can I Be More Involved in My Town?
Citizen Engagement and Volunteer Opportunities
Get Involved in the Town
Boards, Committees & Project Teams
Vendor & Organization Selection Policy and Application (For Municipal Events)
How Can I Become More Involved in the Town?
Attend or Watch a Town meeting
All of the town's meetings are open to the public and we welcome all visitors! An informed citizenry makes for a better community. Visit the Agendas page to learn about upcoming board meetings and meeting topics. Visit the Government page to see a complete list of all of the Town's committees and project teams - click on each to see their respective meeting schedules. You can also see upcoming meetings on the Town Calendar. Can't make it to a meeting? Watch the recording on the Town's YouTube channel - most meetings are recorded for later viewing.
Volunteer on a Town Committee or a Project Team
Visit the Government page to see a complete list of all of the Town's committees, project teams, and boards. Click one to learn more about it. Project teams accept volunteers on an ongoing basis while committee membership is by annual Town Board appointment. Committee and project team subject matter cover a wide range of topics including agricultre, trees and forest health, affordable housing, conservation, parks & trails, recrational programming, public works, finance, ordinance (local laws), local history, event planning, and more.
If you see something that interests you, let us know. Contact information for each group is listed on their respective pages or you may send an email to
Apply for a position on a Board
Visit the Government page to see a complete list of all of the Town's various boards. Click any one to learn more about that board's role. Visit the Job Opportunities page or contact a board member to see if there are any current board vacancies.
Come and work with us!
Visit the Job Opportunities page to browse availalbe positions with the Town. Positions become availalbe periodically throughout the year and can include full-time, part-time, and seasonal jobs. Any new availalbe positions will be posted to the job opportunities page. You can also contact the Town's Human Resources Coordinator Lindsay Frarey to inquire about available positions.