Town Government

A History of Town Governance


Town Government

A Town Supervisor is an elected position and acts as the administrator of the Town and represents the interests of the Town on the Ontario County Board of Supervisors. There is an election held for this position every four years.

The Town Board consists of five elected members, including the Town Supervisor, each serving four-year terms. Town board meetings are held once per month. The Town Clerk handles the State licensing requirements.

The Planning Board is a five member appointed body which meets twice each month to review site plans, subdivisions and grant special permits. 

The Town established zoning laws in 1961. The Zoning Board of Appeals meets once a month to hear petitions for zoning variances.

The Town Assessor estimates the value of property within the limits of the Town.

Three school districts serve the residents of the Town, Canandaigua, Bloomfield, and Naples, and there are six polling districts. According to the 2000 census, the Town's population was 7,649 and in 2010 it had grown to 10,020.


The Town Historian's office hours are as follows:

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday

11:30 am - 2:30 pm

You may also request an appointment. 

The Town's Local History Team is very active in the preservation and promotion of Town history. See link at top of page for more information about the Local History Team.


Leif HerrGesell


 (585) 394-1120
 Email Leif HerrGesell
    Town Calendar

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