2023 Board and Committee Meetings

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE of the following meeting schedule for the Town of Canandaigua boards and committees for 2023 are as follows:


Town Board:

Date:   3rd Monday of each month (exceptions:  January 30, February 13, and June 12)

Time:  6:00 p.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, Lower Level, Onnalinda Conference Room

Contact Person:   Supervisor Jared Simpson (jsimpson@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:     registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqc-GtqTotH92PBu15q7_hCirh9kEvA6VV     (pre-registration required)      


Planning Board:       

Date:   2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month  (exceptions: May 24 and June 28)

Time:  6:00 p.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY. Lower Level, Onnalinda Conference Room

Contact Person:   Planner Shawna Bonshak (sbonshak@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81442442567?pwd=WTA2MEREOG81clhYdHp4QXc2V0QvUT09

Meeting ID: 814 4244 2567

Passcode: 225711


Zoning Board of Appeals:   

Date:   3rd Tuesday of each month

Time:  6:00 p.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, Lower Level, Onnalinda Conference Room

Contact Person:   Michael Warner (mwarner@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83081527265?pwd=TGNvTGJBWHZ1OW1xc3VhQ0s0ZFUwQT09

Meeting ID: 830 8152 7265

Passcode: 844281 


Environmental Conservation Board:        

Date:   1st Thursday of each month

Time:  4:30 p.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, Lower Level, Onnalinda Conference Room

Contact Person:   Facilitator Town Council Member Adeline Rudolph (arudolph@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82781608546

Meeting ID: 827 8160 8546


Board of Assessment Review:         

Date:   May 23, 2023 (May 30, 2023, June 6, 2023, June 13, 2023, If needed)

Time:  4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, Lower Level, Oriana Conference Room

Contact Person:   Assessor Paul Arndt (parndt@townofcanandaigua.org)


Agricultural Advisory Committee:

Date:   2nd Thursday of each month

Time:  6:00 p.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, Lower Level, Oriana Conference Room

Contact Person:   Sarah Reynolds (sreynolds@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84057695170?pwd=NnlkWFhpdlBBUGorN2w0VDFEV0dNQT09

Meeting ID: 840 5769 5170
Passcode: 889699                              


Parks and Recreation Committee

Date:   4th Wednesday of each month (no meeting on December 27)

Time:  6:00 p.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, Lower Level, Oriana Conference Room

Contact Person:   Parks Coordinator Lindsay Frarey (lfrarey@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85209221951?pwd=ZThFbTZQNndpMWR0WjBoNS90UVM2dz09

Meeting ID: 852 0922 1951

Passcode: 354017


Cemetery Committee:                      

Date: First Monday of each month (beginning on March 6, 2023) (September meeting date to be determined due to holiday)

Time:  9:00 a.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, Lower Level, Onnalinda Conference Room

Contact Person:   TBD (info@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81274138599?pwd=WHRnTDEwQUpzZlJDZnQwR3MyNm4wQT09

Meeting ID: 812 7413 8599

Passcode: 250813


Town Board Planning & Public Works Committee:        

Date:   Friday of the first full week of each month (January 13, February 10, March 10, April 7, May 5, June 9, July 7, August 11,

                                  September 8, October 6, November 3, December 8)

Time:  10:00 a.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, at the Highway Department in the Genundewah Conference Room

Contact Person:   Town Council Member Terry Fennelly (tfennelly@townofcanandaigua.org) or Senior Account Clerk Courtney Aten (caten@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82621757406?pwd=SmZ3QU0vM1hIMVVMblM1cmhTTHJOZz09

Meeting ID: 826 2175 7406

Passcode: 400409


Town Board Finance Committee:  

Date:   Thursday just prior to the monthly Town Board meeting  (January 26, February 9, March 16, April 13, May 11, June 8,

                                     July 13, August 17,   September 14, October 12, November 16, December 14)

Time:  10:45 a.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, Lower Level,  Oriana Conference Room

Contact Person: Town Council Member Adeline Rudolph (arudolph@townofcanandaigua.org    

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89270182389?pwd=TlF5R09XdUhpTmZid3dOMG8wUElKZz09

Meeting ID: 892 7018 2389

Passcode: 260085  


Town Board Ordinance Committee:          

Date:   1st Monday of each month (except July 10 and September 11)

Time:  9:00 a.m.

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY, Lower Level, Oriana Conference Room

Contact Person:   Town Council Member John Casey (jcasey@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/85864213663?occurrence=1671458400000

Meeting ID: 858 6421 3663

Passcode: 632379


Town Board Economic Development Committee:            

Date / Time:    TBD

Place:   Town Hall, 5440 Route 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua NY

Contact Person:   Town Council Member David Sauter (dsauter@townofcanandaigua.org)

Zoom:  TBD

Meeting ID: TBD

Passcode: TBD

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