Uptown Canandaigua Study
Uptown Canandaigua Mixed-Use & Transportation Corridor Feasibility Study
Uptown Study Documents
What is this project about?
This study is intended to develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the Uptown Canandaigua area. The study will identify transportation issues and concerns for all modes of travel; it will develop recommendations to improve safety and accessibility for tourists,
residents, and workers.
Project Area Background
Uptown Canandaigua Mixed-Use and Transportation Study will provide a sustainable multi-modal transportation development plan. The study will encompass the area bounded by North Street north to Thomas/Emerson Road and from the Airport west of State Route 332 to County Road 28, and North Road to Canandaigua Academy. The anticipated outcomes should include options for improving sustainable transportation options, including: walking, biking, and public transportation. Extra consideration should be given to identifying complete streets and recreational opportunities.
This area of the Town of Canandaigua is one of the fastest growing regions within the Town. Current development and projected trends in this area include multi-family and low-maintenance residential units as well as commercial development. Due to the lowmaintenance options, this area tends to attract “empty-nesters” and millennial generation families. The demographics trend towards lower income levels and persons with special housing needs. Currently this area includes nearly one thousand multifamily style dwellings including apartments and townhomes, a regional airport, and the largest private employer in Ontario County. Municipal parks and the Canandaigua Academy can also be found in the area. The area is bisected by a four-lane NY State highway (State Route 332).
Project Timeline
- October 2016 - Town applied for UPWP Grant through GTC
- March 2017 - Town awarded with UPWP Grant
- July 2017 - Town released RFP for consultants
- November 2017 - Town awarded Bergmann Assoicates with study contract
- December 2017 - First Uptown Study Steering Committee Meeting
- March 2018 - First Public Meeting
- March 2018 - Second Steering Committee Meeting
- May 2018 - Third Steering Committee Meeting
- July 11, 2018 - Second Public Meeting
- Flyer
- December 2018 - Draft Report
- March 2019 - Public Hearing and Potential Adoption
Project Website
For more information, contact:
Sarah Reynolds, Planning Aide, 585-394-1120 x2232 email
Kimberly Baptiste, Project Manager, Bergmann Associates email