Short Term Rentals

Regulations and Permit Requirements


Homeowners who wish to operate a short term rental (STR) in the Town of Canandaigua may do so after obtaining a short term rental permit in compliance with the short term rental regulations in Town Code. 

Short Term Rental regulations in the Town of Canandaigua

  • § 201 Short-term rentals (Adopted May 20, 2024)
  • A note on Maximum Occupancy
    • max occupancy is determined by bedroom size and in accordance with NY State laws.
    • If your max occupancy is greater than 12, you must apply for and receive a Special Use Permit from the Planning Board before a STR permit can be issued. 
    • In no case will a STR permit be issued with a maximum occupancy greater than 18, regardless of bedroom size. 

Short Term Rental Permit Applications

  • Short term rental permit applications are available on Cloudpermit in the building permit module. See Permit Applications page on Town website for Cloudpermit tips and instructions. (Please note, a completed application does not guarantee a permit will be issued)
  • Permit application requirements are outlined in § 201-5 
  • Permit terms and fees
    • Permit fees are $300 and permits are valid for one year from the date of issuance.
    • If a homeowner operates multiple short term rental units, each unit requires a separate permit application and fee.

​Special Use Permits for STRs with Max Occupancy Greater than 12

  • If the Town determins your STR's maximum occupancy is greater than 12, you will be required to apply for a Special Use Permit from the Planning Board in addition to the STR permit application.

  • Special Use Permit applications are available on Cloudpermit in the Planning module. See Permit Applications page on Town website and scroll down to Special Use Permits for tips and instructions. 

  • Special Use Permit requirements are outlined in § 220-35

    • ​Applicants will be asked to have an inspection of the STR property done by the Code Enforcement Office prior to the Planning Board meeting.

    • Statement of Operations should detail the STR operation, including whether the property is rented year round or seasonally, if there are quiet hours, how garbage is handled, etc.  


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