Stormwater Management Program (SWMP)


What is Stormwater?

The New York State DEC defines stormwater as water from rain or melting snow that runs off into waterways. It flows from rooftops, over paved areas and bare soil, and through sloped lawns while picking up a variety of pollutants on its way (ex: trash, fertilizers, oil/gas from automobiles, animal waste, and sediment from construction sites) and depositing them into our streams, rivers, and lakes.

Naturally, this pollution is damaging to our waters: it degrades the quality of our drinking water, damages fisheries and habitats of plants and animals that depend on clean water for survival, and can make them unsafe for wading, swimming, boating and fishing.

As a community that recognizes the utmost priority of maintaining the pristine quality of Canandaigua Lake and its waterways, the Town has embraced this opportunity to protect one of its most important natural resources.

Preventing pollutants from entering the stormwater run off is not just the responsibility of the municipality; residents can play a key role in keeping our waterways clean too. At the right you'll find a list of six elements or Minimum Control Measures (MCM). When fully implemented, these six minimum control measures will result in a reduction of pollutants discharged into our Lake and waterways. Click through the links to learn more about what you, as residents of the Town, can do to help.


Managing Storm Water Ponds

To mitigate these damages, stormwater management is essential. In 2010, the United States Census Bureau defined areas within the Town of Canandaigua as “urbanized”.

MCM #1 - Public Education

MCM #2 - Public Involvement

MCM #3 - Illicit Discharge

MCM #4 - Construction Site Stormwater

MCM #5 - Post-Construction Stormwater

MCM #6 - Pollution Prevention

On March 7, 2014 the NYSDEC acknowledged the Town of Canandaigua’s ‘Notice of Intent’, and designated the Town as an authorized MS4 (NYR20A546), obligated to comply with the limits, conditions, and all requirements contained in the NYSDEC State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems General Permit (GP-0-10-002).


Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Mailing Address:
5440 Route 5 & 20 West
Canandaigua, NY 14424

(585) 394-1120


Mike Murphy, CFM

Lead Code Enforcement Officer Floodplain Manager

 585-394-1120 x2246
 Email Mike Murphy, CFM

Ron Bement

Fire Marshall

 (585) 394-1120 x2247
 Email Ron Bement

Kyle  Fenner, CFM

Code Enforcement Officer

 585-394-1120 x 2253
 Email Kyle  Fenner, CFM

Samuel Moore

Code Enforcement Officer

 585-394-1120 Ext 2241
 Email Samuel Moore

  Town Calendar

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